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News 2017-18

The World Federation of Mental Health (WFMH) jointly with World Health Organization celebrated World Mental Health day on October 10. It even mark the 25th anniversary of World Mental Health day as it was pronounced from 1992.

This event calls attention to a timely mental health issue. This year's theme, "MENTAL HEALTH IN THE WORKPLACE," addresses the value of promoting well-being in work settings of all kinds, from agriculture to industry, finance, government, technology, and beyond. Mental health is often neglected as a key aspect of employees' overall health, yet the World Health Organization points out that depression heads the list of causes of illness and disability worldwide.

The department of Mental Health Nursing, Maniba Bhula Nursing College organised an expert talk on the occassion of Mental Health day on 9th October 2017, aiming at the betterment of work place interaction, and management of work issues. The expert talk was organized in the Manjula Hall of UTU and the programme started at 2.45 pm. The program was started by welcoming of dignitaries, directors and faculties of various institutions of UTU by Ms. Lida Maria Danny. Asst Professor, MBNC. Mr. Sateesh Birader. Vice Principal and HOD of Mental Health Department, MBNC Bardoli, did the introduction of guest and the theme. He emphasized that those who experience depression or other disorders may be unable to work or may be less than fully productive. Many of these illnesses can be treated, but access to treatment is often difficult, and stigma may prevent people from seeking services even when they are available. A healthy workplace benefits workers and employers alike. The guest lecture delivered by Dr. Parag Shah, HOD, Psychiatric Dept. SMIMER, Surat onMENTAL HEALTH IN THE WORKPLACE. He explained about the stages of burn out, modes and methods of healthy living &stress management.He put forwards various tips for improving work place practices, which include Appreciation of employees and workers, Creating of a supportive environment, Identification of early signs of burnout, Creating an organizational culture which reflects value systems and beliefs, Stress management, Building awareness and reducing stigma, Mental health wellness and providing support for employees who need it.The talk was concluded by 4pm with vote of thanks.

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